Monday 12 September 2011

I'm back to the blogging

It has not been easy to try and keep the various elements in my life from functioning together. In an effort to get the draft of my thesis' introduction done therefore, I cut back on the other things such as blogging which is a shame considering I see it as a welcome distraction to these other elements. I shall however, now attempt to keep it a regular feature of my schedule, and I realise that my problem was that I lacked the organisational skills in order to keep everything going. Thus in order to keep on blogging I needed to do a slight rearrangement of my life.

I realised that the PhD -although clearly needing to play the largest role- should not take over my life and that it was simply not feasible to keep on working on it constantly. So I have decided to only work on it four days a week, as long as I work for eight/nine hours on these days. This leaves me with the rest of the week and the evenings in order to organise the other things.

The second thing for me is that I need to excercise regularly otherwise I cannot keep the concentration up to keep this schedule. I have managed to join a local swimming club and I am now paying for a gym that happens to be very close to both the archives and the library, so going there after the days work is very practical.

This is not a schedule that is new to me per se, but I have as yet not had the ability to implement it, so I am hoping that it will work out this time. Having a clear cut schedule seems to be the way for me to get the feeling that my life is working again.

Monday 15 August 2011


So this is what I did with my Saturday evening; run 10 km with nearly 25 000 other people! It was a novel experience for me I can say, although good fun. Midnattsloppet (Midnight run) is a yearly spectacle has now been running in Stockholm for the last 30 years. Races also take place in Gothenburg on the 27th August and Helsingborg on the 3rd September.

The name is actually a bit misleading, and the first running groups (the ones that run the fastest) actually starting at 21.30, so very few of the runners are actually running at Midnight unless you are in one of the last groups. There were also two races earlier in the day for kids. So it was genuinely a spectacle that took up the whole of the Saturday.

For my part I was very unfit, and managed to get myself round in 1:02:07. This could have had something to do with the beers that I had had beforehand too of course! However, with all Swedish races it doesn't really feel like the time was all that important. There were fireworks, live bands around the course and crowds of supporters. Everyone also had the same Orange shirts on, although there was the odd runner in fancy dress or in shirts from other years who clearly could not be bothered to pay the entrance fee (these do not get timing chips and timed officially). This meant a truly fun atmosphere. I will most definetly be running again next year.

Monday 8 August 2011

In search of happiness...

There's nothing like a Monday morning to make you incessantly think about where you are and the choices that you have made in life. Despite having had coffee as black as oil and porridge this morning, the need to return back to the safety and comfort of bed was almost irresistable. There is no worse a day. Possibly Thursday. Never could see the point in those. Anyway, this Monday has served to be more contemplative than most.

I don't know whether it is the decision to upend my life recently and move to Stockholm and I am afraid that things will not work out, but I am definetly double-guessing the decisions that I have made. I think what made things worse is a comment made by a friend whom has had a little more life experience than me yesterday:

"A place to live, my love life and my finances. Only once in my life have I got all these things right at one and the same time."

A poignant thing to say, and I think when he said it did not have much resonance. I mostly let it go and did not think of it's relevance currently to my life. Then I made what is with hindsight a bit of a poor decision on my part; I watched Will Smith's 'In pursuit of Happyness' on TV last night. I can't exactly say it was the best film that I have ever seen in my whole life. The man's struggle against poverty and doubters kept me at least from wanting to switch the channel. I also think Will Smith is an okish actor. It certainly beat Nicholas Cage's 'Gone in Sixty Seconds' which was available on the other channel. Having said that, the Cage film would have made me think less.

These two events in combination has made me wonder what happiness would be in my case. Neither of the three 'factors' that my friend mentioned are stable at the moment. My living situation is hopefully by the end of this week going to become more stable but is currently fluctuating, I have not had a relationship for four years (ish) now and my finances are currently shot to pieces, not helped by the fact that I have now needed to start paying rent. I think all of these are making me displeased with things right now, but the question is whether even if I had all these things, would I then be happy? The Smith film had a way of making happiness seem very simplistic, in as soon as he achieved his goal he was then automatically 'happy.'

This is naturally very Hollywood, and I would argue that happiness is entirely episodic. I may have had these problems for a number of years now, but I cannot say that I have actively horribly depressed the last few years. Far from it in fact, I have had episodes of what I would say is extreme happiness. I think it is a fallacy to suggest that the achievement of one thing would give automatic happiness, it is truer that life is a combination of shorter and longer term goals that in the end will mean fulfillment. But then I also believe that human beings were largely not built to be content, as they simply do not function without goals. In this case the Smith film is completely right.

So setting my short term goals straight now. I have decided that another cup of coffee would make me very happy, so I will do that. I am hoping the rest will sort itself out sooner rather than later.

Monday 25 July 2011

British Library in London

The British Library in St.Pancras, London is an institution well known to researchers around the world, and is where I have been hanging around for the last few days. The library is home to around 150 million items, and quite amazingly for me it has all the Swedish language resources that I need so that I can take an impromtu holiday to England and still feel like I can work.

The library is a copyright library, which means that it receives copies of all books printed in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The principle of copyright libraries can be traced as far back as 1610, but an Act of Parliament in 1911 established that six libraries in the UK and Ireland would hold this position: The British Library; The Bodleian, Oxford; The University Library, Cambridge; Trinity College Library, Dublin; and the National libraries in Scotland and Wales. The British Library as an entity however is much more recent, and became as an institution independent of the British Museum through the British libraries act in 1973, and moved to it's current location in 1997.

History aside, the library seems today to not only be a library to an extent but also a museum and a general centre for culture. It will often house a number of exhibitions. At the moment there is an exhibition on about Science-Fiction, the Worlds of Mervyn Peake and the Street Markets of London- Walter Joseph. The library also often hosts conferences and talks. Thus, it should not only be seen as a place where stuffy academics and students sit with their books but also one for the whole public.

I am incredibly biased as I think the BL is one of the greatest places on earth. However, I honestly believe that it is worth a visit if you are visiting London as it is as much a part of British culture as the Museums on Exhibition Road are or the Art Galleries. It is an argument against those that believe that libraries should only be libraries, as it actively pursues engagement with the public in their culture, not just serving as a repository for books. Look it up here:

Monday 18 July 2011

Stockholm Halvmaraton

Det verkar som alla i min forskningsgrupp är lite galna på att springa just nu. En av mina kamrater har sprungit två halvmaraton de sista par månaderna, och en annan som precis har sprungit en 10 kilometers lopp. Min handledare är en galen löpare, och har sprungit ett antal lopp, varav den senaste var en 10 kilometers lopp en vecka sen. Ja, jag är en del av en otroligt hurtig forskningsgrupp, och det hela har fått mig att känna mig lat. Sista loppet jag sprang var Göteborgsvarvet och det känns som det är dags att bygga på mitt personligt bästa: 2.20. Jag skulle gärna vilja putta min tid under två timmar och tjugo minuter. Det skulle kännas bra.

Förra September sprang jag Bristol Halfmarathon, så i år hade jag tänkt följa treden av septembermaratoner med att springa Stockholm halvmaratonen i år som äger rum den 17:e September. Eftersom jag ändå kommer flytta dit i Augusti (om jag nu lyckats hitta boende) så tänkte jag att det skulle vara ett bra sätt att se staden.

Så nu är det att tänka på träningen. Jag har gått relativt regelbundet på pass på Friskis och Svettis, så jag har nu hållit upp kondisen. Men löpningen går så där lagom bra. Jag har aldrig lyckats med ett träningsschema så jag lyckats aldrig prestera till den nivån som jag tror att jag kan. Men men, det lär i alla fall ge mig ett mål att ta mig igenom träning i Juni och Augusti, och det ska vara trevligt att ge mig ut på en riktig löparfest igen. Och sen är det ju bra om man ser mindre lat inför sin handledare med...

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Buying Glasses

I am incredibly short sighted. It has gotten to the point now where I get free eye tests according to the NHS in the United Kingdom as my left eye is now below -10. Accordingly, I need glasses, and these for me are a necessity rather than a fashion accessory. Since I broke my last two pairs (I bought two pairs for one at Specsavers) I have been using contact lenses, but in the long run it is not good for my eyes to wear them all the time. Thus I needed some new glasses. I decided that because I liked them the last time, I would return to Specsavers.

Turns out that what initially seems like a good deal (998 sek) for two pairs of glasses, suddenly turns out not to be so great with the amount of ad-ons. With the thickness of my lenses it has become necessary for me to have extra thin ones. These add on 1500 sek to the price (only for one pair). The other pair needed to be scratch proofed as well, which cost an additional 600. So what originally seemed like a good idea turned abit more expensive than I had hoped. The one saving grace is that a pair of glasses do last a while if treated properly, and will hopefully now save me a bunch of money on contact lenses, which are definetly in the long run more expensive.

It feels a litte unfair that those who genuinely need their vision corrected should have to pay such extortionate amounts for the privelage. Unfortunately, we have little choice.

Sunday 10 July 2011

New Mobile phone

I've finally managed to get my head in gear and get a new mobile phone. My old one died around three months ago and since then I've managed to get by with phones that cost around £10 and really wasn't up to much. So actually wanting to hear those that are calling me, I decided that it might possibly be time to get something that might actually work. My old phone having lasted four years (around the same length of time as my laptop) I'm decidedly out of touch when it comes to the market and what it has to offer. Naturally you'd have to be incredibly talented at burying your head in the sand to ignore the iPhones that are everywhere, which have now out of a pathological need to be different, made me reject any possibility of ever having one (plus I'm not Apple's greatest fan).

Call me a technophobe or whatever, but I have really never seen the need to have a touchscreen phone, or indeed one even with internet. I genuinely like the idea that I cannot access my e-mail wherever I go because sometimes I do just want to be out of touch, and I do find the idea that the phone's GPS can track wherever I am in the world ever so slightly disturbing. This is undoubtedly an incredibly useful too were you to be lost in a foreign city and you were trying to find your way to somewhere, but sometimes its nice just not to be traceable. Furthermore, the latest iPhone or Samsung Nexus is going to make you an attractive prospect for thieves, as although most probably possess the common sense to hide their phones, some do not.

So anyway, whilst glancing ever so quickly at the Smartphones, I ran quickly towards the more simplistic ones. My last phone was a Samsung, so it was going to take a great deal of persuasion to move away from another phonemaker. To be fair, a very nice looking Sony Ericsson almost managed it, but in the end I chose a Samsung Monte slider, which, apart from the very simplistic almost disposable mobile that I had before, was Samsung's most simple mobile, the next step up was a Smartphone. It has all the features of my old phone: camera, mp3, internet (luxury) but the camera is less good (1.3 megapixels in comparison to 5 on my old one). It certainly seems like Samsung are now putting all their energy into their touchscreen phones, so next time I will probably be forced into one myself as phones with keypads will be non-existent. Even me, one of the most unwilling of phone users, will be forced into technological change.

Not all technological shopping experiences fill me with such fear as phone shopping. I love MP3 players, and I need to get a new one of those too, and I can imagine myself putting out a bit more money on one of those than a phone. Likewise, I'd quite like a Kindle. I fully imagine an Ipad or something can do all of these things, but I am still of the opinion that a phone should not do everything. I fully suspect that in another four years that I will have no choice but to get one that does.