Sunday 10 July 2011

New Mobile phone

I've finally managed to get my head in gear and get a new mobile phone. My old one died around three months ago and since then I've managed to get by with phones that cost around £10 and really wasn't up to much. So actually wanting to hear those that are calling me, I decided that it might possibly be time to get something that might actually work. My old phone having lasted four years (around the same length of time as my laptop) I'm decidedly out of touch when it comes to the market and what it has to offer. Naturally you'd have to be incredibly talented at burying your head in the sand to ignore the iPhones that are everywhere, which have now out of a pathological need to be different, made me reject any possibility of ever having one (plus I'm not Apple's greatest fan).

Call me a technophobe or whatever, but I have really never seen the need to have a touchscreen phone, or indeed one even with internet. I genuinely like the idea that I cannot access my e-mail wherever I go because sometimes I do just want to be out of touch, and I do find the idea that the phone's GPS can track wherever I am in the world ever so slightly disturbing. This is undoubtedly an incredibly useful too were you to be lost in a foreign city and you were trying to find your way to somewhere, but sometimes its nice just not to be traceable. Furthermore, the latest iPhone or Samsung Nexus is going to make you an attractive prospect for thieves, as although most probably possess the common sense to hide their phones, some do not.

So anyway, whilst glancing ever so quickly at the Smartphones, I ran quickly towards the more simplistic ones. My last phone was a Samsung, so it was going to take a great deal of persuasion to move away from another phonemaker. To be fair, a very nice looking Sony Ericsson almost managed it, but in the end I chose a Samsung Monte slider, which, apart from the very simplistic almost disposable mobile that I had before, was Samsung's most simple mobile, the next step up was a Smartphone. It has all the features of my old phone: camera, mp3, internet (luxury) but the camera is less good (1.3 megapixels in comparison to 5 on my old one). It certainly seems like Samsung are now putting all their energy into their touchscreen phones, so next time I will probably be forced into one myself as phones with keypads will be non-existent. Even me, one of the most unwilling of phone users, will be forced into technological change.

Not all technological shopping experiences fill me with such fear as phone shopping. I love MP3 players, and I need to get a new one of those too, and I can imagine myself putting out a bit more money on one of those than a phone. Likewise, I'd quite like a Kindle. I fully imagine an Ipad or something can do all of these things, but I am still of the opinion that a phone should not do everything. I fully suspect that in another four years that I will have no choice but to get one that does.

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